Portable Blind

A portable blind offers many advantages over permanent blinds.

The blind can be used wherever the game are – not where they used to be. Once the animals exhaust the food supply they will move somewhere else. They can also move due to hunting pressure.

These blinds are usually erected in less than a minute, and allows the hunter to remain concealed, especially if the material the blind is constructed from matches the surrounding environment.

If you hunt in several different types of environments, you will probably need a blind for each type of environment.

The picture below shows a typical portable blind. The style varies depending on the use – one for deer is different to one designed for ducks.

The roof opens to the full size of the blind which gives great mobility and a wide shooting zone, and is great if you are shooting ducks etc.

It is a four-hub design with removable roof poles for easy set-up and take down.

It comes with a carry case and handles and weighs 12 pounds.

Read more: How to Hunt for a Trophy Buck

Related Links:

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunting_blind/By Wikipedia
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunting /By Wikipedia


  • https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Blinds /By Wikihow
  • https://www.wikihow.com/Hunt /By Wikihow