Food Plot Fertilizer
When determining which food plot fertilizer to use, the first consideration should be to get the pH levels correct. Related Links:
Food plots are of interest to sportsmen because they usually want to see more wildlife on their property, particularly whitetail bucks with big antlers.
However attracting, holding and improving wildlife on your property is not an easy, quick task. Its important to realize habitat changes and wildlife improvements won’t be achieved overnight.
To do it successfully involves some labor, research and planning.
Success can be achieved using only small lots of land as long as there is water, food, and cover.
A common mistake made by hunters is that they only plant for spring and summer plots when deer need them the least. They should, instead, be helping the deer during the tough times.
When deer eat [about seven pounds of bulk food each day] the food first has to meet their survival needs. When that is covered, any excess goes to muscular and skeletal development, antler growth and fawn development.
The main factors for consideration include:
When determining which food plot fertilizer to use, the first consideration should be to get the pH levels correct. Related Links: